Mistletoe Heights Crime Awareness and Safety Meeting

June 11, 2019

Location: Newby Park


MHA Officers Present:

Corey Bearden, President

Mark Philpot, Vice President

Val Ewing, Secretary

Guest: NPO Ray Azucena

Meeting objective: Discuss ways to partner with FWPD and City.

Community Camera Program:   RING Doorbell - If you have RING or video surveillance, please register your location with FWPD. This will help PD identify homes with surveillance in the event a crime takes place and they need footage to assist with an investigation.

Link: https://police.forthworthtexas.gov/onlineservices/cameras/


Citizens on Patrol (COP) contact info for Mistletoe Heights: Gerald Huck

Phone number: 817-392-4706

Email: Gerald.Huck@FortWorthTexas.gov

Address: West division 3525 Marquita Street Ft. Worth 76116


General Citizens on Patrol “General Info”: FWPD 505 W. Felix Street Ft. Worth, TX 76115. 817-392-4200


COP Training: Training lasts one week for about 2 hours per day.  Procedures, expectations, and rules are reviewed.  It’s entirely voluntary. After training is complete, you patrol your own area and report any suspicious activity to PD.  Citizens are not to approach people. Time commitment is typically about 5 hours per week, split up over the week in a schedule that works best for you. You are supplied a radio with a specific COP channel.


Upcoming Events

Coffee with a cop – Friday July 19 from 8:00-10:00am.

Make plans to join us and officers from other local agencies at the Waynedale McDonald’s 6810 Bluffton Rd.  Coffee, cookies, and conversation provided. It’s a great opportunity to get to know local police officers and get answers to questions you’ve always wanted to ask.


Final thoughts: what are ways, as a neighborhood, of staying informed?  FWPD Facebook page is updated fairly regularly on current events or activities.